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EFT for OCD: Gentle Behavioural Therapy

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60 students
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What you'll learn

Believe you have OCD? This course, led by professional counsellor Joan Kaylor, will teach you how to use emotional freedom techniques to control your OCD.

Believe you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and want to learn to control or eliminate it once and for all? Whether it be a fear of germs, turning the light on and off repeatedly to feel calm again, excessive anxiety about organisation, then this course is for you.

Led by Joan Kaylor, Professional Counsellor and Scott Paton, Podcast Producer, you will learn various Emotional Freedom Techniques to control anxieties and fears easily. Any compulsive thought will be banished using the methods and exercises available within this programme.

With a hands-on approach, Joan will share her expertise of over 32 years with you, from the comfort and familiar surroundings  of your own home. Learn how to deal with stresses and obsessions within the house and adapt these to implement in everyday life, in and outside.

1 in 100 people have issues with OCD. Let’s start getting these numbers down today!


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  • Learn exposure and response prevention techniques from an expert!
  • Learn how to tackle various forms of OCD, from the comfort of your own home.
  • Covers a range of behaviour therapy to EFT aspects
  • Understand the difference between a real fear & an OCD fear.
  • Realise that you do have the power to overcome this!


Joan Kaylor
Licensed Professional Counselor, MSEd., LPC, DCEP, ACAP-EFT

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EFT for OCD: Gentle Behavioural Therapy
  • Language English
  • Lectures 35
  • Bonus Free XO Student Discounts AccessXO Card

EFT for OCD: Gentle Behavioural Therapy